Rabu, 07 November 2012

[K248.Ebook] Free PDF Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

Free PDF Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

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Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

Free PDF Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

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Hold Me Down Hard, by Cathryn Fox

He'll break all the rules...

When Eden Carver, Iowa farm girl turned NY actress, decides to seduce the sexy cop next door, she begins to wonder if she's bitten off more than she can chew. The last thing Officer Jay Bennett wants is to cross a line with the sweet and innocent country girl - no matter how much he'd like to help himself to a nibble. Not only are they in the friendship zone, a nave girl like Eden doesn't belong in his dangerous world.

But when she asks him to help her rehearse lines, and things go from simmer to boil, he finds himself doing the one thing he swore he'd never do. He knows he needs to walk away from temptation, but when sweet little Eden bites back, it tilts his world on its axis. Because biting back changes everything.

  • Sales Rank: #33256 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-01-29
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 95 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Sizzling, heartwarming, laugh out loud funny!
By J. Meredith
Multipublished author, Cathryn Fox has another hit on her hands with her debut release with Entangled Publishing!

Friends. What would we do without them? Or in Eden and Jay's case, what wouldn't we like to do with them?

I'm not going to give you another rundown on the plot, you've read that several times over and they've all hit the nail right on the head. This short, sexy read has it all. Great plot, a touching backstory for Jay--the super protective smoking hot cop next door, Eden, the actress with a secret wish to break free of her good girl image and get her kink on, Jay's frustration at lusting after his best friend while unable to make his move for fearing he'd be too rough for the sweet little girl from Iowa and scare her away with his dark sexual desires...It's the perfect recipe for a hot little read.

Oh, did I say I wasn't going to get into the plot? Sorry. But it's difficult not to, because this novella is just that good.

Ms. Fox has done an exceptional job of developing an intriquing, attention holding story that warms the heart, makes you laugh,[you have to see what Jay says about Eden's self composed script] and sets your e-reader on fire with scorching hot love scenes, all wrapped up in four neat little chapters that make you want to shake your iPad so more will magically appear.

Well done, Ms. Fox! And in the infamous words of Dickens..."please sir, I want some more"...or was that Eden? LOL!

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
By pinkspo0n
This book just jumps into the action, which makes sense - it's a short story. this short story definitely left me wanting more. This story would have been a fantastic full length novel, but for what it is, it was fantastic. The author did a great job creating a full and engaging story with the few words used.

I was pleasantly suprised with the depth of character portrayed. Often with the shorter stories,, you're left wanting more due to wanting more character development. In this case, I wanted more because the characters were so well developed and easy to like that I wanted more time with them!

Plus... This story was HOT! I can be iffy on BDSM - but this story was able to encapture the theme without oppressing women. I am very impressed! I would definitely recommend this book, and I look forward to reading more from this author.

Note: ARC provided by publisher in exchange for honest review.
First reviewed at http://mamasreadingbreak.blogspot.com/

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Spicy Romance
By Whitney
Hold Me Down Hard by Cathryn Fox is a super short novella that gives the reader a brief insight into the relationship of not so innocent country girl, Eden Carver and her next door neighbor, Police Officer Jay Bennett. Aspiring actress Eden wants to move out of the 'friend zone' with Jay so she and her friends write a sexy script and convince him to run lines with Eden.

If you're looking for a quick, spicy romance read, with it's brisk page and interesting characters then this is the short story for you!

Note: I received my e-book copy from Entangled with the promise for an honest review.

See all 98 customer reviews...

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